Democracy and Human Rights: A Complex Relationship

Democracy and Human Rights: A Complex Relationship

The defence of basic Human Rights was a key stone in the institution of United States above 200 years ago. Considering then, a median goal of US, outside policy has been the encouragement of respect for human rights as incorporated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Encouraging democracy not only assist basic American worth as believing freedom and worker rights, but also helps to generate a tight, steady and well to do ground in which the United States can advance its domestic enjoyment. Additionally, democracy is the one domestic enjoyment or national interest that helps to fixed all the others. Democratically directed by nations are more likely to secure the harmony, aggression, stretched open markets, encourage profit-making development, protection of domestic citizens, battle of international terrorism and crimes, justify human and employee or worker rights, keep away from humanitarian reversal and escaped move, better the universal environment, and shield human health.

The United States use a broad scope instrument to move along with a liberal agenda, including bilateral diplomacy, multicultural or multinational commitment, foreign assistance, reporting and universal break, and economic authorization. The section of state works with self-governing associates, international and geographical organizations, non-governmental organizations and occupied citizen to reinforce those who look for freedom. Though with genuine respect to differing philosophical and historical beginning of human rights, assumed universality of human rights data include most European countries, New Zealand, Canada, the United States, and Australia, mentioned countries have the most common is a republic political system and self-supporting judiciaries or court of justice that protects their individual or citizen rights. It also summons the assumed universality of human rights, as much as refugees, stateless persons or the prisoner/convict at Guantanamo Bay have no associated government body to shield their supposedly natural rights.

The motive of this article is to cross the stress between human rights and democracy. It is declared that these stress emerged from the opposed values on the basis of which human rights and democracy were sharply founded or established, the path on which it is applied and the types of local government that they make manageable the appearance of human rights into the modern political awareness, its explore the dispute and inconsistency built in to the human rights/ democracy/ liberalism nexus. Illustration on the burden of diplomatic thinker Chantal Mouffe’s, it reflects that there is a divided or separated common dependency to this relationship. Solitary hand, the plead to human rights is necessary in order to incorporeal or naturalise the idea of popular jurisdiction for the republican nation state. On the other hand, the republic logic of initiating the people and granting rights is necessary to overthrow the likelihood towards the intellectual universalism that is a feature of liberal discourse. Eventually against argument of the taboo against abuses; the idea that the most successful path to protect human rights is by the way of republican institution is considered.

The Past of Human Rights

A few brilliant mind declared that human rights have a centuries-long history. Other recognize them to be a current or modern legal creation that appeared or emerged out of the organization of individual rights. Following the second world war integrity were generally across a set of agreements that illustrated the modern International regime or government for the development and protection of human rights. Moyn declared that at this position in time several types of utopianism, comparable socialism and federal, began to exhaust.

Human Rights straight away became interesting or attractive because they supply or provide a honest discourse and a set of moral standard apparently above politics as well as provide an essential utopianism than reduced suffering without looking to entirely transform the world. Throughout the same decade the international settlement on civil and political right and the international settlement on Economic, Social and Intellectual Rights finally draw effect, Amnestry international was awarded the Nobel prize, nonconformist movements over the world started to adopt the language of rights and president indicated human rights to be median or central to US foreign policy. For the left, revolutionary aspirations started to be put back by a global ethics that seek to reduce signs of suffering. Human rights misuse defined authoritarianism, so human rights protection became the analytical remedy to such wrongdoing legal theorist Daniel Mc Loughlin argues that in the surroundings or environment anti-authoritarianism legal capitalist broad-minded self-government by facing them a political other than required respect for human rights. While some monitors argue that the principal discourse of human rights is “the most we can hope for”, there are others who summons or challenge this model or standard by facing that we need to develop a complete analysis of liberal democratic state power that throw over the ‘good versus evil’ partition. This is because human rights in their recent broad-minded form control to strengthen keep going power relations rather that authorize their break-down.

The Relation between Democracy and Human Rights

The complex relationship between democracy and human rights appears the want or a need for education in autonomy which get the better of the reductionist perception of democracy to acknowledge only the will of majority, the want or a need for a human rights education. Human rights education is the crucial fundament of the execution of human rights as every human life need to aware about his/her rights. Human rights education is a ‘must have and a ‘nice to have’ in today’s cultural diversity society where the human rights qualify us to live in peaceful or restful harmony with respect for human status or dignity of one another and with patience across the frontier of traditions, cultures, world, religious, views and belief

Human Rights shield every human life

Human rights protects the essential ingredient and sector of human alive, which are compulsory for survival and for life as human being or human life. Human rights, are the rights that owned by everyone as a member of the human race, regardless of skin colour, citizenship, political judgement or religious coercion, social duration, gender or age. Every individual have human rights. They are individual rights because the right-owner of human rights are individuals, not totally. Human rights are the rights with a define complications because they are the same time legal, moral and political rights. In their legal proportion, human rights are slice of legal system are authorized to these rights. They are ‘legal rights of individual in opposition of the state or state-like entities, pledge by international law for the grounds of covering fundamental needs of the human individual and his/her dignity in times of peace and war.

The legal proportion or dimension of human rights is a positive winning of human history as the international group or community found an agreement in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948 and generated and sanctioned a human rights structure in subsequent years. Individual can see a progress in the heritage of human rights from logical ideas of human rights to the enactment of the logical ideas of human rights on a national level with its obvious limits, triggering the enactment of human rights on a global level. Individual can see a reflection or progress by which the method or culture of human rights experienced in legal proportion, in their proportion of realization. Human rights are now lawfully defined, know a legal substructure or framework and are enforceable. Organization or institution like the UN human rights council in Geneva, the UN settlement Body System or organization, are said to essential element of the realization of the logic of human rights can increase the achievement of human rights. It shows that the human rights are a material reality, not a phantom or an illusion. Human rights are legal reality in all sector of the world. Human rights legal machines or mechanism, instruments and human rights institutions give the idea of the protection of human dignity incorporate in human rights.

Human rights achieve weight and power when they become a part or a sector of individual legal system, for example of a national legal system through a popular legitimated or legal.

Evidently the administration of human rights at the one and the same time faced challenges everywhere. One of the main challenges owned by the procedure of the federation or incorporation of human rights in public or national legal systems; the possibilities of a particularization of human rights. Human rights are consolidated in a public or national legal system by becoming a slice or a part of the basic rights of the regulation through a parliamentary procedure. Within the public the public or national legal system, the legal subject matters or atopic acknowledged one another as a holder of these rights within the sub structure of interim or internal logic of legal system. Simultaneously this way undermines the universality of human rights, because then human rights may breaths or exist only within a individual legal system of a individual legal society. Human being are not citizens of this individual legal society rest without any human rights. Human rights rush the fear of trimming of their universality through the individualism as a part of public or national legal system. An argument or a justification models within the moral dimension or proportion can already mentioned include the ingredient features of human rights that human life- although living in a place on universal or a globe, where he or she does not credit or benefitted from a legal system respecting human rights- has human rights.

On an experimental level, the procedure of building up international law and a universal organization of the enactment and protection of human rights- in side by side to the merger of human rights within public or national legal systems and it is mandatory.

The legal measurement of human rights introduced or give the meaning of the results of one slice or part of the political measurement of human rights including the political thinking, political fight or struggle, political suggestion and agreement building processes and political settlement leading to the legal permissions or entitlement of human life to human rights. The political measurement of human equal rights holds human rights as content and political issues or agreements in public political conversation as well. Also if they lead the legal outcomes, they can have political importance

Moreover, political suggestion or opinion building and decision making procedure can attempt for human rights, as their motive is to guarantee individual human life and their joy or enjoyments of human rights. These procedures can influence or control by the political responsibilities to take the adequate political dimensions or measures and decisions to proceeding for further enactment of human rights.

Far away, the political instruments or significant and the abuse of human rights for the political ends that belongs to the political measurement of human rights. They can find their second rate or worse from when these finishing represent themselves breach or a violation of human life and their rights.

From a formal expression point of view, the human rights provide as basic for a political suggestion building and settlement or a decision making procedures agrees or permitted every human being or a human life political involvement.

Atlas, the political discussion or an expression and settlement or decision could position themselves for the support of reference or examples of human rights and their need of life.


I conclude with highlighting the democracy and human rights can co-related with each other. This means that each and every human life or human being as a human rights to democracy. Can a human and their rights also be realize in a political and legal system which is not democratic at all? No, human rights cannot fully enact if the political and legal system is not democratic; as everyone know that every human life’s involvement in opinion-building and decision making procedures is protected by human rights. Going hand in hand means that human rights can be legally or legitimated by democratic processes, but additionally ethic or a moral justification which goes beyond the boundaries of public democratic system is compulsory to ensure that every human life also, outside of these boundaries are the exact holders of human rights.

The complicated relationship between democracy and human rights reflect the want for education in democracy which overcomes the less understanding of democracy to remember only the will of the majority, the want or a need for human rights and their education. Human rights education is the main ingredient of the enactment of human rights as every human life needs to know about his/her rights.