INTRODUCTION Cryptocurrency is an electronic exchange of money without involving any individual being. Therefore, no presence of any physical money or bill, it’s all online.
Introduction Bitcoin is a type of virtual currency that you can use for digital purchases or you can trade like stocks or bonds. To buy
Introduction Cryptocurrency is a digital exchange of money without involving any individual being. There’s no presence of any physical coin or bill, it’s all online.
The National Economic security of the United States depends on the reliable functions of the critical infrastructure. As cybersecurity threats have become more prevalent in
In the digital age, data plays an important role in our everyday life. It is present in a lot of obvious ways. But data collection
The digital world has transformed our lives creating new ways of communicating, organizing and accessing information. It has also developed new threats popularly known as
As the internet evolves, the nature of cyber risk is fundamentally changing. Cyber-attacks are increasing in terms of both frequency and severity. The threat action
Cyberspace forms the heart of any country for its overall development. The need for cyber capacity building has been recognized by the cyber community, public
It is not an exaggeration to say that modern society couldn’t function without information technologies. Our health, safety, security and well-being depend on a variety
September 11, 2001, terrorist strike set the tone for warfare in the 21st century. But the 21st century has also seen the rise of another