Author: Aditi Mishra

Hi! My name is Aditi Mishra and my aim is to help you understand the different types of arguments that legally held in each phase in just as simple as I can do. I am currently pursuing my [ LL.B] from St Wilfred College of Law, Panvel. Law is a profession that helps country and their citizens in various ways and I hope I can help you to explain as much as I can by mastering it!!

Intellectual Property of Australia

Intellectual Property of Australia is an organization of the Industrial Department of Innovation and Science. Intellectual Property Australia manages Intellectual Property rights and law-making relating to trademarks, Copyrights, plant agriculturist


International Trade

International trade is the interchange of capitals, goods and services over international boundaries, because there is a require of goods or services. In most nations or countries,


International Affair

International relations or international affairs or international studies is the technical or scientific study of International relationship between the world’s supreme sovereign states. While often

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